Thursday, April 12, 2007

Such a load of crap

~Tears welled up in my eyes. Sometimes out of happiness, sometimes out of despair~

Yesterday was our anniversary. We've been together for a year and half and I've never felt happier. Never have I felt so much love from within. There's nothing in this world that can make my life more worth living than her very existence. She came up with the idea of each of us buying a pair of socks and exchanging one side of it with each other. We were suppose to wear it every month on our day. Lol. Leave it up to B to come up with something as such. Of course, it started out as a good idea but after a couple of months, each began to become absentminded or came up with reasons such as " I didnt want our socks of love to get dirty as my shoes have holes in them". Haha.. I'm just teasing dear. Even though we managed to keep up with this particular romantic act for only a brief moment, that doesnt mean our flame is burning out. Guess if you listen in on our conversations of sweet talk and endless kisses by the minute you would understand. I love You so much my baby..*kisses and hugs for only u... awww me being mushy already. Mwahxx... Can't help it when I'm talking about u... Hehe... Happy One Year, Six Months and A Day, sayangku.

Life in Moscow...... Where do I begin... How bout the weather? Yes! Most effected by it. So here I am, about to calmly tell you that the weather here... simple to say @#$#$!%$!%$@&%^%!#$!#$! Fucken weather. Grrr.. *grumble grumble... *mumbles under breath.. Two weeks ago it was lovely. The flowers were blooming, bringing colour to this side of the world, the leaves of the trees were just sprouting giving the branches of the trees some actual use and the birds were merrily migrating back from their winter holidays. Suppose they went off somewhere decent (Malaysia! Malaysia!). All that was just two weeks ago. You would be surprised as to how unexpected the weather here is. With one day of the sun smiling away, and the next of God shaking off dandruff from his head ( that's snow to you). What am I to do.. *shakes head.. It's like a chain of continous problems over here. I had an early class this morning, followed by lecture, a bout of Physical Training and then Latin. I attended my morning class, skipped everything in between and planned to go for Latin in the evening. Little did I know of the misfortune that was to befall upon me as I left my room,groggily, spit still on my face from the drooling I did just moments ago when I was in silent slumber. Took the lift to ground floor and saw my blockmates both talking to the guards. Ahh.. There it goes again! It's like dejavu. The words rang in my head as someone said " You have to put a third person in your room unless you pay or we''ll kick you out" -_-'''' To cut a long story short, because i'm really beat right now and lacking sleep, we bought a bottle of good vodka for bribing and we'll just see how it goes from there. Oh, also today, i met my agent and he says most likely we'll have to pay an extra 170USD for some shit called Notrification.. Know that never in my whole life have i heard of such a word..... I'm much to lazy to write anymore.. Brain-is-dead. Need-food/money!


Key said...

know that when i titled it as such, im not refering to that part about us k dear? mwahx =)

Anonymous said...

Bee i rmb U were one who suggest exchanging the socks ler XP And i still do wear them k! Wore them to Paris rmb? Mwahx. And i rili wanted to keep them clean,esp the one you got. Mish you sayang. June june~ And i wish life in Moscow wasn't so hard on you =( Gonna pamper pamper syg when i get there =)))