Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hail Hitler..

So much for studying when your group mates don't and decides to take the class test another time. Not much complains from me though. We, being the most united group in the whole university, pretty much just go along with everything the other says. Doubtless to say, I love my group. Hardworking at being really lazy.. And always up for a crazy idea. Yeap, that's our thing! Tell me a group who would create a fake birthday to celebrate in class, just to find the opportunity to waste time so we wouldn't have to do work. It worked, by the way. Hehe. They pointed the finger at me, upon being asked whose birthday it was. I shooked my head at them, while my teacher gave me her blessings. They sang "The Song" and I was slightly overwhelmed by the thought of being able to celebrate my birthday twice in a year..I suddenly feel old.. Hmm... Speaking of birthdays, my group mates have been continuously having their birthdays one week after the another. It's like somewhere out there, God had this all planned out in his little scheme, for us to just repeatedly have fun and enjoy and to celebrate this joyous occasion by eating and drinking and ahhhh .... what cruelty! Let there be known, that behind every successful party, ...... there's alot of money involved. So here we are, all penniless, "kopekless", going to class in the early morning, heads down, backs hunched, arms swinging limp at our sides, dragging our feet, walking in such a way you would only see zombies do in movies. Waking up early, doesn't give many of us the time to consume breakfast as the usual conversations take place while walking to class.

Shoves someone "Eh! Belanja me! I very hungry laa"

Shoves back.. "I no money la!"

Gives a sad face " Why every time also no money. I want Kit-Kat"

-_-"" " That's cause you haven't paid me back for "so and so's" gift!"

Looking worried "Heh heh heh.. How bout I treat you a choc and we'll call it even ok?"

But in my opinion, subconsciously, even though we would have nothing to celebrate for, somehow we would find a reason. Right, I can't say subconsciously, unless you throw a party without full awareness of it and go, oh well, can't let it go to waste, let's just find a reason then! (feel less guilty that way though) Like I said, my groupmates' birthdays was one week after the other and finally it was this week that we could really just kick back and relax, but hey! guess whose birthday it is! That blardee Austrian with a moustache similar to Charlie Chaplin's, that guy who's the reason why we foreigners are not allowed to roam the streets of Moscow for fear of being beaten to the pulp and left to die by skin heads. Adolf Hitler. May a dwarf hit yer' ( i dont know why i said that..) Anyway, having nothing else to celebrate for, we decided to drink to Hitler's ... moustache.. may it forever be.. square.. in our hearts..

p.s : Thank you for the holiday
Things learnt during the open bottle party

~ I can take quite an amount of alcohol (as compared to last time)
~ I can't remember my 7 and 11 times table. And after a couple of drinks, you forget the order of numbers as well
~ My cock-eyed agent is dumber than he looks
~ My friend can really shake his booty... Like a girl...
~ Alcohol brings people closer together..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad syg having fun there. And seee luckily you went to the party! Bb had a blast, bonded And shaked your booty! I wanna see that when I come over ahhhhh =D