Monday, April 30, 2007

There's no food, like Malaysian food.. Indeedy..

A phrase frequently used while i'm overseas. "There's no food, like Malaysian food". And that is indeed a true fact. Just been sent a link to a blog and 'wala' when I opened it, behold! great wonders of all that is pure and evil, this is pure evil. Images of food presented itself before me. And as i scroll down, there was more, all the way, right up till the end of the page. Ahhhhh! How can one be as cruel as to send me this, just to remind me of what I'm missing. I'm a food person, no doubt. Take after my mum, can't be helped, it's in the genes.. or the way I was brought up or something or other. I just thank the lord with all that I can eat, I don't exactly put on weight. At least not alot of it. One of my favourite motto's in life, "Live to eat, Not eat to Live". And how I'm craving for foooood right now! Seeing all those pictures... At certain times I think I could bawl like a baby just thinking bout all that I've left behind coming here.

K, I'm making it sound as though I'm never going home again, which in fact I am.. hehe.. I think I've actually accumulated a list of food that I need to eat when I go back. That's just so when i get home I don't miss anything out. Char Kuey Teow, Char Siew Bak, Char Siew Pao, Bak Kut Teh, Wan Tan Mee, Chinese Fried Rice, that srumptous Chicken Rice from the stall near my place, Duck Rice, Dim Sum, Yam Rice, Mee Hun Kuey, Pan Mee, Yong Tau Foo, Chee Cheong Fun, Clay Pot Chicken Rice, Sweet and Sour Pork, Glutinous Rice, Fried Cray Fish, Crabs cooked in any style... erm.. is this too much? I have lots more to put down but I think that's going overboard. *maintain composure*.. Been hyperventilating as I'm writing all this down, typing faster and faster with everytime I add a new dish.

These are the 3 main dishes that I'm just dying to eat right now

Char Siew Pao

the ever famous Bak Kut Teh

and my all time fav. Wan Tan Mee

I sent the link to my aunt. She's a food person as well, and as I'm asking her how she likes the blog she asked me to shush, because she wants to concentrate. *faints*. Secretly, I think she's drooling all over her keyboard. I on the other hand have self control. Better go check on her incase she bites of the monitor screen too. Aunty...... Nooo..............Bad aunty!!

p.s: I didnt intentionally steal those pics from mum-mum(another blogger). Just so happen to come across those pics as i was googling. She blogs insanely bout food thus explains why I kept stumbling upon her blog as I was finding for pictures of food.

Long distance relationship (LDR)

Do you know that stupid emoticon advertisement that pops up every time you visit certain sites. And there's one in particular, that yellow, rotund, ball with just hands ( no arms, just hands, wait, i think it doesn't have hands either) and it goes "I'm counting down the days, till I see you again,". Now, most of the time, when I come across that freakish smiley I would just smirk at it thinking to myself bout how corny that line is and I, myself, would never use that kind of line on anyone! But somehow, seeing as how my B is coming to see me in June, and we've been apart for like what,.... almost 8 months now, I've really been counting down the days till I see her again. (psst....46 days more.....) I for one can honestly tell you that being in a long distance relationship is not exactly a piece of cake(that's a metaphor). Not especially if you're a real hungry person(that's another metaphor with some really hidden meaning). Just craving for something for so long and not being able to have it, but when I do get it... ahhhhhhh(sound of relief, im not screaming). Lets just say when I do get it, and if it's any comparison to anything relatable to reality, I would most definitely put it all down here.

Being in a LDR does have it's pros and cons. Of course, having the distance in between the both of you is a bit of a problem. It does get lonely at times and those are the times that you either have to be there for each other, or just learn to trust. Cos honestly, when loneliness overcomes all, you never know what you might end up doing, or who you might end up doing. But there are little things that you both could do to make that feeling more bearable. Me and B constantly send SMS's to each other when we're out, asking what the other is doing, or just plain mushy messages saying how much we miss each other etc. And when we're in our respectable rooms, and by the glory of modern technology, Internet!!!(oh how i love thee!) we're constantly online, talking to one another. I even get to see her everyday through the webcam and oh how i suffer when I dont. ( I would like to take this opportunity to thank my roomate tho, for putting up with my late night chats with B, I know sometimes it bothers your sleep and I apologize completely for everytime that I do.)

Me being in this LDR, in my opinion, has really taught me alot of things and picked up certain virtues along the way. Being in a relationship is not easy. Period. I've always believed it takes work (i'm talking bout when things start to look rocky). Giving up is always the easy way out. Married couples in the olden days, never used the vocabulary divorce, or alimony, or custody or whatnots. I'm sure most of them didnt get along all the time. It's just learning to cope with each other, and putting up with their habits and just learning to avoid an argument. Everything is give and take in life, and as long as you learn how to handle that, it is in my believe that everything would go smoothly. That's why most of the time I have faith, and the belief that B and I would make it despite everything that's against us. I have no worries bout us and I hope you don't too and no matter what B, we'll work it out and talk it over. Mwahx.

K, I've officially bored myself at this point, just talking bout this. I can't stick on to a topic for too long for my mind gets off track quite easily. I think that's why i can never give a speech. Also partly because I have stage fright and my feet gets numb. I would like to say though that going upstage at least gives me a valid reason to picture everyone in their undies without feeling perverted. Hehe. Whoever came up with that theory is though. Unless his/her intentions were for humour purposes. Now that, I don't get...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

In memory of...

I saw you there..

I have no idea how you got to be where you were..

I couldn't imagine a more amusing sight then seeing you like that..

I never in my life thought of you as fascinating, but somehow this made an exception..

I summoned my friends hoping they would somehow see through my perspective..

They didn't. She pushed the sponge down slowly and I gasped.

You twitched a little, breathing in all the dish washing liquid. And within seconds, you were gone.

You poor, moronic creature. Why ever did you land on the sponge which was so conviniently floating in the middle of our dish washing liquid container. I just wanted you to know that the few minutes we spent together meant alot to me. And I dedicate this post to you. In remembrance of our short lived friendship. May you be sipping toilet bowl water and sun bathing under a table lamp in your next life. The image of you running around the sponge looking for a way out, will forever be etched in my heart. I wil miss you dearly.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hail Hitler..

So much for studying when your group mates don't and decides to take the class test another time. Not much complains from me though. We, being the most united group in the whole university, pretty much just go along with everything the other says. Doubtless to say, I love my group. Hardworking at being really lazy.. And always up for a crazy idea. Yeap, that's our thing! Tell me a group who would create a fake birthday to celebrate in class, just to find the opportunity to waste time so we wouldn't have to do work. It worked, by the way. Hehe. They pointed the finger at me, upon being asked whose birthday it was. I shooked my head at them, while my teacher gave me her blessings. They sang "The Song" and I was slightly overwhelmed by the thought of being able to celebrate my birthday twice in a year..I suddenly feel old.. Hmm... Speaking of birthdays, my group mates have been continuously having their birthdays one week after the another. It's like somewhere out there, God had this all planned out in his little scheme, for us to just repeatedly have fun and enjoy and to celebrate this joyous occasion by eating and drinking and ahhhh .... what cruelty! Let there be known, that behind every successful party, ...... there's alot of money involved. So here we are, all penniless, "kopekless", going to class in the early morning, heads down, backs hunched, arms swinging limp at our sides, dragging our feet, walking in such a way you would only see zombies do in movies. Waking up early, doesn't give many of us the time to consume breakfast as the usual conversations take place while walking to class.

Shoves someone "Eh! Belanja me! I very hungry laa"

Shoves back.. "I no money la!"

Gives a sad face " Why every time also no money. I want Kit-Kat"

-_-"" " That's cause you haven't paid me back for "so and so's" gift!"

Looking worried "Heh heh heh.. How bout I treat you a choc and we'll call it even ok?"

But in my opinion, subconsciously, even though we would have nothing to celebrate for, somehow we would find a reason. Right, I can't say subconsciously, unless you throw a party without full awareness of it and go, oh well, can't let it go to waste, let's just find a reason then! (feel less guilty that way though) Like I said, my groupmates' birthdays was one week after the other and finally it was this week that we could really just kick back and relax, but hey! guess whose birthday it is! That blardee Austrian with a moustache similar to Charlie Chaplin's, that guy who's the reason why we foreigners are not allowed to roam the streets of Moscow for fear of being beaten to the pulp and left to die by skin heads. Adolf Hitler. May a dwarf hit yer' ( i dont know why i said that..) Anyway, having nothing else to celebrate for, we decided to drink to Hitler's ... moustache.. may it forever be.. square.. in our hearts..

p.s : Thank you for the holiday
Things learnt during the open bottle party

~ I can take quite an amount of alcohol (as compared to last time)
~ I can't remember my 7 and 11 times table. And after a couple of drinks, you forget the order of numbers as well
~ My cock-eyed agent is dumber than he looks
~ My friend can really shake his booty... Like a girl...
~ Alcohol brings people closer together..


Friday, April 13, 2007

Pachimu Pa-Ruski?

K i found out here the damn reason why everything on my blog is in russian. Btw, i found out how to link stuff from Bb.. =p yea im useless i know... thank God I have B.. or i would be doooomedd.. dead... ohhhh the agony of living this life all alone and companionless and brainless.. I have went through all that before till I couldn't take anymore and I cried... "Oooh, who would save me? This worthless piece of flesh just taking up space in this world!".. and then comes my B to my rescue!.. erm.. anyway.. (lost track of what i was trying so say) Yeah, everything on my blog is in Russian. I learn Russian. Yes. But I don't know all the words. And bladdy hell when i went to post a comment on B's blog yesterday, i kept typing my comment and pressing 'draft' or 'preview' or something or other. Was wondering why the comment never came out and blamed it on the connection. Yea, I'm that blur as to not realise that what I was clicking was actually the wrong thing. And now, I wanna change the language back to english as shown how on that site, and just finding for the settings... -_-'' Like I told B. It's like playing with the languages on your phone, not knowing how to change it back later. Hahaha. After that happened to me last time, I found that it was a really good prank to play on others. So hey, watch out. I might be up to my old tricks again.. Hehehe..

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Such a load of crap

~Tears welled up in my eyes. Sometimes out of happiness, sometimes out of despair~

Yesterday was our anniversary. We've been together for a year and half and I've never felt happier. Never have I felt so much love from within. There's nothing in this world that can make my life more worth living than her very existence. She came up with the idea of each of us buying a pair of socks and exchanging one side of it with each other. We were suppose to wear it every month on our day. Lol. Leave it up to B to come up with something as such. Of course, it started out as a good idea but after a couple of months, each began to become absentminded or came up with reasons such as " I didnt want our socks of love to get dirty as my shoes have holes in them". Haha.. I'm just teasing dear. Even though we managed to keep up with this particular romantic act for only a brief moment, that doesnt mean our flame is burning out. Guess if you listen in on our conversations of sweet talk and endless kisses by the minute you would understand. I love You so much my baby..*kisses and hugs for only u... awww me being mushy already. Mwahxx... Can't help it when I'm talking about u... Hehe... Happy One Year, Six Months and A Day, sayangku.

Life in Moscow...... Where do I begin... How bout the weather? Yes! Most effected by it. So here I am, about to calmly tell you that the weather here... simple to say @#$#$!%$!%$@&%^%!#$!#$! Fucken weather. Grrr.. *grumble grumble... *mumbles under breath.. Two weeks ago it was lovely. The flowers were blooming, bringing colour to this side of the world, the leaves of the trees were just sprouting giving the branches of the trees some actual use and the birds were merrily migrating back from their winter holidays. Suppose they went off somewhere decent (Malaysia! Malaysia!). All that was just two weeks ago. You would be surprised as to how unexpected the weather here is. With one day of the sun smiling away, and the next of God shaking off dandruff from his head ( that's snow to you). What am I to do.. *shakes head.. It's like a chain of continous problems over here. I had an early class this morning, followed by lecture, a bout of Physical Training and then Latin. I attended my morning class, skipped everything in between and planned to go for Latin in the evening. Little did I know of the misfortune that was to befall upon me as I left my room,groggily, spit still on my face from the drooling I did just moments ago when I was in silent slumber. Took the lift to ground floor and saw my blockmates both talking to the guards. Ahh.. There it goes again! It's like dejavu. The words rang in my head as someone said " You have to put a third person in your room unless you pay or we''ll kick you out" -_-'''' To cut a long story short, because i'm really beat right now and lacking sleep, we bought a bottle of good vodka for bribing and we'll just see how it goes from there. Oh, also today, i met my agent and he says most likely we'll have to pay an extra 170USD for some shit called Notrification.. Know that never in my whole life have i heard of such a word..... I'm much to lazy to write anymore.. Brain-is-dead. Need-food/money!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Found this picture browsing through blogs and flickr. Fell in love with it the moment I laid my eyes on it. It's somehow just portrays a certain sort of serenity and peace. Feel so relaxed just looking at her.. Mmmm