Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Palm pool

I would never want to envision what it'd be like in the desert. I swear I'm at my melting point and my sagging ass has proven that. (not that my ass is really that saggy. Just putting it in that term for my personal humour). I would now love to think that Moscow has only one type of climate; cold. At least with the cold, you could put on layers and layers to somehow keep you from freezing like a human popsicle. But what do you do when you're in this type of heat? Remove all articles of clothing.. and then what? I'm still suffering, I still feel heat on my naked bare back. Well, I'm not entirely without layers here, but picture what you want as you please. (make me look good in your mental image) . Just yesterday, I made an attempt to do my homework (yes, I Do do my HW... occasionally.... when needed to... and doing only one question also counts as doing it!) when I realised I had difficulty starting off. I wish I could say I was dying of dehydration, and while I was walking to get water, I fainted numerous times. That would be a more realistic obstacle. Thing is, everytime I gripped my pen, it would cause my palm to break out in sweats and I would again be reminded of the terrible heat thus using my exercise book to fan myself. So it's a cycle. Going on and on and on and on..... and on .. *bangs head on table. If I actually just stick my hand out upwards and wait for a few minutes, a pool of water forms. So that's it, I've created a palm pool! *jots it down in List of Ingenious Creations. Muahahahhaha.. muhahahha.. eck, *gags...Water!! Water!!!

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