Monday, March 15, 2010

Handsome Men's Club/Alizbar

просто потому что мне смешно

и мне скучно
I spent the whole day working on my so-called project. Rewatching the clips over and over again to break down the steps. Came to understand that putting my imagination into reality requires intricacy. There is progress, but it's not flowing as fluidly as i expected. It's so hard to follow through when you have perfection in your head, but it flows out of you to become this ... muck! ( i dont know, that's just the first word that popped in my head to best describe this) I really don't wanna be a leader in this. I'm more of a part of the team kinda person. I'll come up with the ideas, and i'll run the show, but i dont like giving out orders. I prefer feedback rather than bossing people around. Yeah i know i dont have to be like that. I guess i'm just stressed and slightly worried that if there were any set backs, I'd be judged. Plus i've kinda set this expectation for myself. I've got this whole storm up in my head. Just gotta learn to let it flow out smoothly.. Baby steps.. baby steps.. Plus, does anyone know how to change a certain wav. file to a different one.. I'm much too lazy to figure that one out by myself..
I now feel like crying and sleeping at the same time...

I've already spent so much this month on unnecessary... err substances. And now i'm torn between spending what i have left on his concert, or on food..

K that sounds a bit extreme doesnt it..

Fine! I'll just wait it out till next month then.. *sulks*

Till then i'll just have to make do with listening from Youtube..


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