Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Flawless Facade Part 4

He had a bad habit. He likes to drink when he's upset. I tend to keep away when he's in that state because he gets really emotional and he starts hugging, and stroking my hair and forcing me to dance with him. All that's fine. I always keep my guard up when he's in that mood. But almost always pitied him, for i see tears in his eyes when he speaks of the reason he drinks. He would never really specifically say what, but i always sensed it was love. A girl. Of course, the one thing that makes us all decide to just screw it and drink our liver away. Girls..

I came back to my block one day at 3 in the morning. A was fast asleep, and BNN had went to a friend's room. He's door was wide open and from the end of the corridor, i saw him staggering towards me. He sang my name, reaching out his arms for a hug. Okay..... Dr-un-k!

"How much did you drink?"
"You want? I have 1/4 of a bottle left"
"No, it's okay. I'm good. How have you been? (he had been complaining that he hasn't been able to eat or sleep well for the past 3 days)
"I want to go back to my country. I'm very sad and lonely"
Then he changes the topic completely.
"Why do people lie? If they don't want to spend time with me, they should tell me straight!"
Oh dear, i thought. It's gotta be about BNN again.
"Well, maybe they don't want to hurt your feelings"
"They still shouldn't lie!" (He's getting worked up)
"It's like a white lie. Sometimes friends just need some space from each other"
"Yea, but what if it's your girlfriend? Should she lie to you about this?"
(he must be talking bout his russian girl aka The fling)

At that time, BNN walks by. He sees her and shakes his head. He looks at me and asks for my guitar. He had lent his to someone else. Not wanting to go against his wishes at a time like this, i passed it to him. He marched into his room, and started playing it. She looked at me with fear in her eyes (she didnt like talking to him when he's drunk).

"He's a little bit emo," i said.
"Yea, he kept calling me to go to his room just now. I told him i was busy with my friends".

He marched out of his room. I excused myself. I was exhausted and i needed rest. I had every intention of going to the St Patrick's Parade the next day and i had only 5 hours left to sleep. She excused herself too. "NO! I want to talk to you. Come in and close the door,". I had no idea, why she followed his orders but i worried for her. I decided not to sleep till she was safely back in. I had left my block door and my room door wide open just in case. Silence took over the hostel and all i could hear was my breathing and the clicking of my mouse as i tried to stay awake in front of my laptop.

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