Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The flawless facade Part 1

Where do i begin.. It seems so long ago. A year and a half to be exact. He was a post grad student. Aside from studying, he made money on the side by selling insurance and worked part time by being a middle man for travel agencies. That's how she (BNN) got to know him. That's how I got to know him. Last winter, we both decided to take a trip to Egypt. She recommended him to me, saying a fellow friend had claimed his deals were reasonable. I was doubtful, but i followed her to inquire anyway. See, the thing bout him was. He had a bad reputation among the Malaysian students and some of the India guys. No one was really sure why though, perhaps he was a conman, or that he was out proud pervert. I never really knew the guy. And i wanted it to stay that way.

After that visit to his room, i never spoke to him aside from the occasional 'Hi' and 'Byes' when i bumped into him on the street. She on the other hand took it to the next level. She added him on her messenger. Of course, she needed updates about the price of the Egypt trip, so she chatted with him frequently. I'm not the type of person who indulges in affairs of others, so at that point i lost interest in whatever was going on. That is until one day i decided to unexpectedly be a nuisance and bug my blockmates. I do this often. I use their spare key, barge in and skip around their room like a 6 year old girl with pig tails till they acknowledge me. But she wasn't there.

"Hey, where did she go?" i asked A, who was in her usual position in bed, facing her laptop that she placed on a chair so it would be eye level and she didn't have to get up because let's face it, for students here, our lives revolve around our laptop. And as long as the screen is pointed to our faces, the only thing we would get up to do is go the bathroom, or to eat.

"She went out with him". I looked at my watch. "It's like 11pm already. Isn't it kinda dangerous to be out so late. Especially with him. We don't really know him."

"Yea, i know. But she's that type of person. She's too nice and friendly to everyone, that she's always making new friends left and right," A said. Yea, tell me bout it. Let me share a little bout BNN. She's a muslim. Tudung (head scarf) wearing kind. Sweet, innocent, and naive. The bubbly, cheerful, laughs her head off at everything kind. She and my ex have the same birthday. Their characters were the same. And i felt i knew her. So when i knew that she was going out with him, i felt troubled. Not because I'm into her (GAWD NO!), but because i felt she was the type of person who could be taken advantage of and i felt i needed to let her know that.

When she returned, i spoke to her. Made sure she knew what she was possibly getting into if she were to continue the friendship. 'Just be careful'. Those were my exact words. Just let him know that you're already in a relationship so he wouldn't consider anything more than friendship. OK, she said. After that i began to lose interest in them again. ( i get bored easily).

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