Tuesday, July 14, 2009


It's only been 2 days but i've learnt so much just by doing my practicals here in Malaysia. Been assigned to the O&G department this week. First things first, anyone would tell you, looking at bleeding, infected VaJayJay's all day, is not a pretty picture, nor is it my how i would ideally spend my day. Although i've yet to study about O&G, i picked the department hoping to get some experience since i wont be able to do my practicals here next summer. And though most of the time i dont understand any of the terms they're using, i'm taking the time to slowly pick it up and i guess it's good preparation for the next semester.

Today was slightly slow, but i did see more interesting things compared to yesterday.

The miracle of birth. Is hell of a disgusting. After seeing what i saw today, i promised myself that if i ever have a partner in labour, i swear that as a doctor, i'll make sure she gets the best of everything. Guess that's one of the privileges i can request for from a friend or a colleague. Because delivering of the child i saw today was done by a bunch of nurses, and the way they treated that woman was just sad. It was rough, with the pulling and the pushing and the poking and prodding. It's normal i know, but i would never let anyone i'm with go through that same thing. Digging into that women like they were going through a pocket. The baby that i saw just now, came out cynotic, which adding together with the fluids and blood, she looked like alien. Of course, after cleaning her up, all of us couldn't wait to just go googoogaagaa over her.

Also saw torn off flesh, from a man's palm. As in a chunk of meat, just hanging from a man's hand. Massive bleeding that filled up an entire tray. After washing the wound with sodium chloride, and injecting him with lidocain, they started suturing which was the best part. I was eager to try, but one of the seniors wanted to first, so i stepped back. Still have time anyway. Plus i could just practice on fruits or chickens first. ^^

I wonder sometimes how are we going to cope with the malaysian system, in the future, if we didnt get to experience it here and now. Alot of people don't realise it but this is quite a critical period of our course, that allows us to take the time to get accustom with the way things are done here. My juniors wouldn't be able to do their practicals in malaysia. and when we grad and start our housemenship, and we are in the blur about the system, who's to blame.

1 comment:

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