Wednesday, July 28, 2010

when you say you still LIKE me

i could still joke with her.. of course there are times when i just become mean and shoot her right down.. but the end of the day, i'd always still look into her eyes, and smile..

the night before she left i stood by her as she got up to leave my room, i teased her about something and laughed. she dropped her things and hugged me. tears on my shoulder as she muttered under her breath, "i regret what i did". With her arms around me, i melted. She held me a little tighter and i just felt both stupid and confused.

"I really do still like you... "

i don't know which is worse ..

the fact that you may very well be lying to my face
(what more after what you did..)

or the fact that it is indeed true..
(but u're still not sure bout what to do cos u need to settle things with ur ex first)

the stupid half of me believes her
the other half is still putting a guard up..

i need to get back to malaysia to clear my head..
3 more days baby..
back to the place i call


soren said...

Oh god mind fuck.

soren said...

eh woman bila mau update...

btw, change blog address again..sorry!

Key said...

hahah oi! cant u ever stick to one! i oso pening tryin to find u.. lol