Friday, February 19, 2010

This is the life...

Lying down on my bed as im typing out this post.. Can't help but feel so relaxed. and also still exhausted. Mentally, i mean. Had a sleepless night again, trying to mug for today's exam. Barely made it through, but it all worked out great. Chatting with a friend who graduated last year,and hearing her complain about work makes me all the more grateful for what i have now. I love this student life. Ain't nothing like it.

Now that the black cloud over my head has passed, i can finally do all the things i've been meaning to do. Been refraining myself from everything and now there's nothing in my way. Woohoo.

Damn i'm still sleepy, but i know if i continue sleeping, i'd regret it. Nooo.. i have to live my life partying baby! Long weekend ahead, since it's Men's day and i get two extra days off! Woot Woot~

Let the good times roll!!

Exam's just a thing of the past, baby.. Just a thing of the past... ;)

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