Monday, February 15, 2010

Gong Xi Fa Chai 2010

Dawn of the year of tiger.. Another year has come around, and i'm still stuck here doing the same thing.. Trying to prepare for my surgery exam that i so conveniently put off before skidaddling to europe. Upon returning home (pfft, home it seems ) to Moscow, the very first thing i did was gave my laptop a hug, slight caress before plugging in it and letting it boot up while i prance around the room strumming Mikhaila ( my guitar). Tons of offline messages popped up, as i scanned each one briefly before stopping to one that made my eyes dilate with horror.

"Hey, don't mean to ruin your holiday, but thought i'd let you know that the next date for surgery exam is on 12th"

Boing!! I was literally stunned for that second, before going "ehh.. Whatever.."

Somehow, as time flew over the years, we tend to get less worried about exams and being pressured to do in on time, or the threats from the dean that it IS in fact the very last official date of the exam. Cos in the long run, we've all figured out, it's just a bunch of bull. Very much like the boy who cried wolf.. so to speak.. .. or something along those lines.. Annyyyywayy..I hadn't yet prepared myself to be going for classes yet, let alone doing an exam.. So screw it.. I skipped the first day of class, which was the day after i arrived and just spent the day being zoinked out.. I have no idea why, but upon arriving back in moscow, i just felt totally lost, and discombobulated as to where i was, or what i was suppose to be doing or anything else for that matter.. Guess i needed awhile, and slowly but surely like Stella , i got my groove back.. Still, i needed a whole lotta while to get back down to earth, cos i was literally sitting in the dark for the past week with nothing on but my table lamp, watching Ed the bowling alley lawyer.. (i missed Ed! :D ) I really needed that week off, for now... i'm like back in the zone babayy.. all geared up and ready to rumble *does boxing motions* It's now or never, i'm taking this exam on, mano e mano (yea, that's why i'm here blogging, right)

Nay, main reason i wanted to blog, it's so i dont forget my yesterday. That's right, people.. i successfully hosted my very own Chinese New Year party all by myself (mostly). I wrote out the menu, got all the stuff ( yea felt kinda rich enough to sponsor this on me own), and worked it all out.. Believe me, i was a nervous wreck though, praying the food would be enough. I felt like i under budgeted the food for the amount of people that i invited, but it was all good.. I mean, i was so worried in the beginning that i didnt even feel like eating till everyone had their share. Nothing made me happier than those three words uttered "I'm damn full"... Phew *wipes sweat* Somehow i felt that was the most hardworking i've ever been without being pushed for it, and i felt proud.. of course i'm back to being the lazy ole me again today and at least i can say, ehh at least i deserve it hahah.

I do hope however, the year of the tiger is on my side.. I mean i have no complains and i don't really believe in luck but i do hope for less complications and more excitement to fly my way and for my family. Remembering past events has really shown me that we've come along way, and it just occured to me that i still speak of my grandmother in present tense unconsciously, sometimes.. and i wonder if it's because i'm so far away that i've never really came to terms with her passing. But no worries, i Do believe this year, will be a great year ahead. And i'll do whatever it takes to make sure of it ;) Starting with this dreadful exam.. *sighhh*

back to the salt mines it is....


soren said...


happy cny. go tiger!

Key said...

yea.. roaring my way in as we enter the new year... ;)