Sunday, February 28, 2010

happy chinese valentine's day/Dreams

Chap Goh Meh, that is..

Marking the fifteen day, and also the last day of Chinese New Year. A day where single ladies (so to speak) try to put a ring on it by throwing tangerines into the sea in hopes that their future mates will pick it up. I'd imagine some would like to do so over here, throwing oranges into the lake nearby, but seeing as it's still frozen, i doubt the effect of the power would be the same. Than again, wouldn't it be more effective to just throw an orange at the person you like (preferable aiming at the occipital region, cos that'd be more fun to watch) and grin away all cave-man like.

I'm not very chinese. I don't do anything particularly superstitious on Chinese New Year's eve let alone on the 15th day. But my friend and her boyfriend decided to go out for an authentic Chinese meal and i thought what the heck. I've nothing better to do anyway. Correction. I Do have things to do.. im actually in midst of a project of doing a medley of Michael Jackson's songs which has proven to be a task more challenging than expected but i'm all ready to charge it head on. But today, ah today, makes me feel like a deflating balloon.. I was trying to put together an outfit and when i tried searching for my white tie... i couldn't.. it just wasn't there. And that got me so frustrated that i turned my whole room upside down and much to my disappointment i still haven't found it. So i broke out a box of oreos and started stuffing myself with it, which than made me feel like a compulsive eater. I know this is completely random, but to stop myself from eating anymore, i sat down and watched Fame. Do i sound psycho, or is this completely natural and just happens to everyone? Ehh, who cares.

Which reminds me.. I wanted to jot down the dream i had yesterday this morning but it slipped my mind. I'm known for having weird, random, unrelated dreams. I once dreamt my friend came to me and said "Didn't know you know, Key, China had taken over Russia". Ahaa.... >_>''
Anyway i dreamt yesterday, that i was in Amsterdam. I was walking the streets, checking out the souvenirs and other shops, just having a swell time. When it was time for me to go home, I got onto a bus and asked it to take me back to my town in Selangor. Yeap, a bus from Amsterdam to Selangor (it made sense in the dream). Anyway the driver agreed, and with me were this old couple which got friendly with me along the ride. All of a sudden, i realised the bus was going through this glass tunnel which was brightly painted with pictures of angels and Greek Gods and Goddesses and then we came out from the other end, all i could see was this light. Shining so bright that you'd only imagine this was what heaven was like. I panicked because Dude, that's what not my city is like.. Anyway, i sprinted to the head of the bus and demanded to know where we were. And that's when the driver turned around, gave me a grin and said, "We're in Rome". -_-'' WHAT???

"what the hell am i doing here"

"sorry we had to kidnap you, but you wouldn't have came with us if we told you what we wanted you for"

"and what Do you want me for???!"

"we want you to represent us, to play... Dungeons and Dragons"

"-_-''' "

At that point of the dream i felt lost and well, i was well aware that the dream was getting stupid, so i decided to wake up. Still, it was a dream i wanted to remember, because, heck.. stupid dreams make the best stories, that and i love waking up to these kind of dreams feeling really confused, wondering where the hell i am.

That's why i love sleeping.. It takes you places. Now, at least i can say, an addition to the places i've been, I've also been to Rome, babeh.. =P In my dreams...-_-

P.S.:Please don't think me stupid/bimbo. I'm really just high from overeating at the Chinese restaurant. Cheers~

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