Sunday, February 18, 2007

Yeah, you know..

You know you're ...

-Short. When you have to use a chair to assist you in taking your clothes from the cupboard. Everyday. Heck, duh! not like I can grow anymore at this point.

-Fat. When you sit in the middle of the tub and let the water run from the shower head and then later realise there's a pool of water behind you.

-Useless. When you mend a rip in your shirt and it immediately rips again when you wear it.

-Indolent. When most of the muscle aches you get are from sleeping too long in an awkward position.

-Couch potato. When most of the time your topic of conversations can somehow relate to tv shows or something a character from a tv show has done/said before And able to quote him/her word for word.

-Old. When your 4 year old Cousin starts calling you Aunty!!

-Vain. When you are willing to wear a really thin (but really stylish looking leather jacket!) outdoors when the temperature is -13 Celcius (and.. it's snowing) just to show it off. Vanity has it's price right? Yey!

-In Love. When you spend every second of the day wondering what your dearly beloved is doing; and walk into a pile of snow in the process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yala YALA now I know your definition of fat la. And it includes me.. =( Babyy,wait for me to do all this mending okay. Mwahx. And why are you sleeping in an awkward position wannn.. Syggg.. XP

I find the couch potato thing as very enlightening and useful for ice breaking! If you're old then I'm older. If you're vain then I'm umm vainer. If you're in love then I'm more in love =) Muah muah.