Sunday, February 4, 2007

A Babbling Fool's Work

Winter holidays really hasn't really gotten me anywhere. Partly because my supposed 'leisured days' started a little later as compared to other groups. Not about to go into details as in why it all happened. As they say, it's a long story. But hey, thinking about it, my holidays weren't as bad as I thought it was. I managed to explore alot of new venues, did more shopping that i've done in the past year, and of course, spend quite an agreeable amount of time with B (my life revolves around her.. if you haven't already noticed that, this will probably enlighten you then). But 2 weeks has come and gone so fast that I can't help but wonder about going home already. I miss home, don't get me wrong. But few weeks before coming here, my mum discovered something bout me that made her go berserk. I'm gay! Yeah, she caught on. How i constantly kept going out to see B, how I spoke of her till my lips got numb how I kept my door locked so often(chatting with B) and how the phone bill rocketed sky high. She made me break up with B (okay so i didn't exactly do that and i'm guilty, but heck call me selfish but I want my happiness okay!), she made me promise to change, she made me broken hearted and depressed I cried for days (and nights) and I would be all that still but I still have B with me. I pray I always will. Alright, honestly speaking, I didn't plan on writing about this. I guess it's always just been at the back of my head. It's the fear, the paranoia, the hatred and love, the hope, the faith and everything else that makes the world spin and makes the people in it spin their heads around trying to find a simpler solution to life, love and living it all. Hopefully after this, I'll be able to put most of my concerns on this matter behind me. Onward to a better tomorrow! *closes eyes and clenches fists and wishes really hard* Fuck!


Anonymous said...

=( Baby still worrying.. You know I'm always here right? We'll go through it together, remember that k syg? *muaks. Ur baby here misses u crazy and is about to die here without u. I love u soo much. And that's all we need right. Our love.. =) ~1314~

Anonymous said...

love u madly miss u crazy love u my baby love u love u X)))))))) *kisses all over for only u.

Key said...

MWAHXX.. love u too