Saturday, February 12, 2011

I find myself sitting here, after a week of classes. Back to the old routine. Mundane.

I'm in need of something new. Something exciting. I've hoped that winter would have been over but it's just the beginning. Dropping down to -24 next week. I always look forward to spring to go gallivanting about. Seems pointless now to go out, and end up freezing my ass off.

I diagnosed myself as chronically bored. I read in article that people who are constantly bored, are most likely to have a shorter life span because they tend to put themselves at greater risk of activities just to feel the adrenaline. I probably fall under that category.

Empty. I actually feel quite empty. Hanging out with the same people, seeing the same old faces. Do people here really lack essence or it it just me? 6 years in this God forsaken place has really gotten me itching to get out. Go else where.

I'm exhausted. By superficial conversations and smiles. Pretending to be interested in a conversation when all i do is zone out and end up catching just the last line of their sentences. People used to say i'm a good listener but really i think all i am is someone who really can't be bothered by whatever they're saying. Of course that comes and goes. I'm not entirely uninterested. I am genuine most of the time. Just of late, i'm beginning to wonder if there's more to this.

I need to get my flame back. It's dying out and i need to find something to reignite it..


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