Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Mr pessimist was right. When everything seems right for too long, some shit is bound to happen.

Anyway, Im scarred for life. Inked. No longer a tattoo virgin.

No regrets on what i've chosen. Simple. Just the way i like it. Been getting good comments on it too, so what the heck right. It's been somehow triggering everyone else to consider just getting one done too.

It is troublesome though, maintaining it. It requires the utmost delicacy and i've been resisting the urge to scrub or scratch it. It's been itchy a bit lately due to the healing of the skin. Having to put on ointment 4 times a day, and massaging during and after showering its just time consuming to me. Lol. I of course have cut down the ointment applying routine to half the required amount. It's still maintaining it's colour anyway, so i'm not too worried. As long as i dont have to go in for a touchup. My friend's on the other hand has started to fade and it's turned into a rather dark green colour. I somehow think her body absorbed the colour , for she has a dark skin tone anyway hahah. Anyway i'm satisfied with mine. I just pray the day doesn't come when I get bored of seeing it everytime i look in the mirror. Enjoying it for now.

Also have to get used to people not looking at my face everytime I have a conversation with them. Face, Up.. =.=