Monday, January 4, 2010

Impending doom..

Days left to exam = 8

Progress so far = 15%

I should just shoot myself ..

Between right about this time, and the day before any exam, God receives crap loads of messages. All asking the same thing.. Please help me pass my exam. I don't care what i get, as long as i pass. I'll promise to give up.. "...." (whatever it is).

There's a joke i heard though, that i wished was true.

There were 3 hostels in a campus. 3 days before finals, God sent an angel to inspect the students. Students in hostel 1 were studying, students in hostel 2 were studying as well, but the students in hostel 3 were drinking and partying away. The angel reported back, and repeated the inspection the next day. The same thing was going on. Students in hostel 1 and 2 were busy burning the midnight oil and burying their faces in books, while the students in the hostel 3 were getting wasted. Now on the night before the finals, God sent his angel to inspect the students for the last time, He needed to reconfirm on who deserved his blessings more. The angel looked into hostel 1 and 2. They were all studying, as to no surprise. But when the angel came to hostel 3, he was shocked to see all of the students, on their knees. Praying to God.. The angel reported back. The next day, everyone from hostel 3 passed with flying colours. God shrugged and said, well, 'They were the ones who took the time to pray'.


Yea i know it's kind of a stupid joke, but i kinda like the ending to it :P
Not really in the mood of studying, partly because of my bad neck ache i've been having since the new year. Not a good start. Slept in an extremely distorted position and now i can't turn to the left at all. I feel the tension in my left shoulder all the time, as if there's pressure on it. Sort of reminds me of that movie, Shutter. (which i now regret mentioning >.< ) Should get back to studying then. Feeling the guilt today as i blew off studying yesterday to seek motivation from others, only to end up drinking till 6am. Aiyayai...

Whatever will we do with you, key..

1 comment:

soren said...

hey good luck with the exams!