Monday, March 9, 2009

For the Love of Egg tarts..

Tart telur.. What's tart in malay? Hmm.. Even karipap is taken from an english word, curry puff. Hmm.. Anyway, my craving for egg tarts has initiated me to make some today. That's the thing about being away from home is, if you want anything, you gotta make it yourself. In Malaysia, everything was just a drive away.But over here, if you want anything.. You've got to make it happen yourself, people! haha. i've just pushed my first Eggy in to the oven and wished it Good Luck! Hehe..

I have test tomorrow and i'm thinking of my stomach first.. Not good, not good..

20minutes later...

yeye.. Eggy turned out quite nice. Presentation might be a bit off but who cares.. huahuahua. Would like to take a picture of it but right now we would prolly need an X-ray.

I've been working out on my arms so much that it's much bigger than i am, so to speak, that my blockmate thinks i've put on weight. And now i'm suddenly self concious of myself all together because my friend and I were on a topic of discussion of hair.. in places well best not mentioned. But at the end of the day, it's all.. ahh who gives a damn. If no one can love me for who i am, then i shall just end up alone and not share my love at all... =/

*whines.... >.< ---------------

A: Akhirnye cita-cita mu dijadikan realiti..

It doesn't look as good as it taste but i can assure you, it's yummylicious. Aite, running off to stuff my face. FooooOoood...


the girl said...

that sure looks nice, one cant tell if they were made in russia or here...


Key said...

awww shucks.. ^_^ thx =p