Saturday, March 24, 2007


i tot i could be strong,
lil by lil i'm finding out i ws wrong,
i can't do this on my own,
my certainties somehow all gone,
we nv mean to hurt the ones we care for,
and i've never done what i've done before,
forgive me if i am weak,
but this promise i will keep,
i'll never do it again,
i won't let my emotions cost u pain,
may ur love for me forever remain,
u're the only thing in this world keeping me sane.


Anonymous said...

=`( Miss you babe. I really do. My eyes are all swollen from all the tears. Sitting here, staring at the laptop, just longing to hear your voice. Hoping you would miraculously appear in front of me. I could die right there and then. Ur baby can't live without you. And my heart breaks everytime you're upset. I love you bee. *endless kisses.

Anonymous said...

i love u too dear. missing u more. wish you didnt have such a busy schedule today. i can't wait to see you. just wanna hold you so tight. kisses n hugs for u darling.