Wednesday, May 19, 2010

To the Man, the legend.. my idol.

It's been awhile since i've blogged. As time drew nearer to date of the annual dinner (the day i was suppose to perform) I've been stressing out and counting down the days, praying for it to be over, praying for that moment to come where i could just do what i wanted to do and get the hell out. It was driving me partially insane. Before sleeping off each night, i would try to picture in my head, how our performance would be like as seen by the audience.. it wasn't easy because we didn't have a mirror to practice with and we could only record our practices from an angle, because, well we practiced in corridors. I was more than worried, that everything would turn out some what mediocre or cliched. Mum supported me in everyway she could. 'You can't go wrong with the theme you're doing. Plus i have every confidence in you'. Tsk ma, how would i know if u're lying.

Surprisingly though, when the day did arrive and as we went through rehearsals, i felt a bout of confidence, and that wave of excitement that assured myself, everything might just turn out fine. Of course, my team members were already cocky i think, when the critics during the auditions told us this might be one of the highlights of the event. Still, i wanted it to be perfect. This was something i had dreamed of my entire life. I wasn't doing this for anyone else. I didn't need to prove anything. This was just for me and him (him being MJ). I wanted to give something back for the all the years of entertainment he's given me and the world. Ahhh im starting to sound corny. But i do thank him, because during the dance, i felt no nervousness (im lying i did feel it, but only slightly). Maybe it's because we've been practicing so hard, or as how i'd like to believe, he was there with us. There was just a surge of electricity in me as i moved how he moved (or tried to) and his music pumped into my veins.. Ahh sheer delight.. It was the most satisfying thing i have ever felt in my life. The crowd cheered at every change of the song, and more and more i felt uplifted. Impromptu changes made even came out perfect. Right after we were done, the adrenaline rush was still taking me higher. My worries were over, i didnt trip and fall :P cause the floor wasn't as smooth as i expected it to be. All and all, it was a really good night. Right after returning home, we each got a drink, uploaded the video and watched ourselves sharing Mj's magic with everyone in the hall. I felt like i did him right, by me. Thank u for inspiring me and so many others. (" ,) You made a difference in my life.

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